- Show Ticket
- Motor Coach Transportation
- 3-Course Dinner
- Day Trip
– Closed –
For any questions, please email booking@jaybeetravel.com or call (218) 409-6188.
Glensheen, The Musical!
June 9, 2022
An heiress, kind and generous, is found dead in her bed. Her night nurse, lying lifeless on the staircase. A robbery? A clumsy break-in? A conspiracy? A scandal! The Congdon family tragedy splashed across the headlines of every newspaper in Minnesota. But what really happened on that fateful night at the Glensheen Mansion? Whodunit? Witness this dark musical that tackles the tale with wicked dialogue and evocative music.
Your temperature-controlled deluxe motor coach with onboard restrooms will depart from Hibbing, MN with convenient pickup locations in Chisholm, Virginia, and Eveleth. Twin Ports residents – meet us at the Greysolon Plaza in Duluth for dinner and the show!
Prior to the show, enjoy a wonderful 3-course dinner in the Morish Room at Duluth’s historic Greysolon Plaza.
Following your meal, we will make the short walk next door to the NorShor Theatre for your 7:30pm performance of Glensheen, The Musical!
After the performance, we will board the motor coach for our trip back to the Iron Range.
COVID-19 Disclaimer
*Everyone 12 and older must present proof of full-course COVID-19 vaccination OR a negative COVID-19 test taken within the previous 3 days of the show. *Everyone 18 or older must present a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, that matches the name on their vaccine card.
Performance Ticket
Your premium lower-level seating to this amazing musical is included with your booking.
Making Memories
Everything is always more fun with company! Invite your friends and family to enjoy the performance and your fantastic day.
Enjoy a wonderful 3-course dinner in the Morish Room at Duluth’s historic Greysolon Plaza.
Round Trip
Leave the driving to Duluth to us! Feel free to bring a small carry-on bag.
The bus may not be locked at all times, JayBee Travel is not responsible for for lost or stolen items.
Trip Itinerary
*times are subject to change, please watch for emails close to the event for updated information.
To reserve your seat, please fill out the below reservation form to JayBee Travel with a $50 deposit per person.